Inositol phosphate

  • n.磷酸肌醇;肌醇磷酸盐
Inositol phosphateInositol phosphate
  1. The relaying of the signal from the cell surface to the nucleus is mediated by second messengers , which can be intracellular proteins or small molecules such as cyclic AMP , inositol phosphate , or calcium ions .


  2. Alteration of inositol phosphate metabolism in aortic smooth muscle cells from spontaneously hypertensive rat


  3. RESULTS : Differential equations of concentration relations were formulated between inositol phosphate and epidermal growth factor receptor , and the hydrolysable rate was demonstrated in these differential equations .


  4. Phytase is one kind of the enzymes acidic phosphorylation , which can catalyze hydrolysis of phytate to inositol and inorganic phosphate .


  5. During germination , stored reserves are used as a source of nutrients by the plant seedling . Phytic acid is degraded by the activity of phytases to yield inositol and free phosphate .


  6. Inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate 5 / 6-kinase ( 5 / 6-kinase ) is a key regulatory enzyme in the process of the inositol phosphate metabolism .
